Lloyds Banking Group – Workplace Pension Transfer

Role: UX Lead  (Sep 2018 – Nov 2019)

I had the honour of working for Lloyds, via AND Digital, on this interesting financial service project.
This product allows Scottish Widows customers to transfer their workplace pension directly into their Lloyds accounts,
thanks to this simple mobile and desktop flow.
Lloyds Bank customers with a Scottish Widows pension are now able to see the value of their pot when they log into their bank account online.


When it comes to transferring your work life savings to a new provider, security and trust play a vital role.
The user target was quite mature (35-70 years), and the older ones showed little familiarity with digital financial products.
To build the necessary trust between Lloyds and Scottish Widows customers, the User Research has been a key part of the entire UX Process.

Around 70 in person user interviews, plus several online survey researches, has been conducted in Edinburgh by the Scottish Widow UX Team.
All the outputs have been categorised and analysed together through several Design Workshops, in order to shape the most accurate directions to start the Prototyping and Testing phases.

Mapping out all the actors and stages
for transferring a pension process.

User interviews Results

Defining the journey

5 ‘As’ journey phases has been identified along the transfer process: Awareness, Acquisition, Activation, Accept and Achieve.


Bank of Scotland (BoS)

Designing for 3 different Brand guidelines, using the same source code in the React Web App

The use of a progressive web application (PWA) injected directly in the Lloyds native App,  has been a super effective choice to speed up the development process, both on Design and Coding side.

In the same PWA React source code is contained the Styling for all the different brands of Lloyds group (Halifax, Bank of Scotland and Scottish widows), organised in reusable components for both Mobile and Desktop experience.

Lloyds Desktop flow

My Key Activities on the project

  • Stakeholder Management & Interviews
  • Empathy Maps
  • Design Sprints
  • User and Market Research
  • Accessibility Testing
  • User Testing
  • Low fidelity Prototyping
  • High Fidelity Prototyping

My Takeaways

  • When you can’t omit long section of legal text from the flow, then it is really important to work with a Copy Writer to ensure the flow is still comfortable for the user to approach.

  • Working as a consultant for big group as Lloyds Banking can be confusing in the beginning, in terms of ‘who does what’. My advice is simply to map out every name and connection between all the actors of the new team, and always keep this document up to date.

Amazing Team work

It has been a pleasure to work  with an amazing and super helpful team. The agile methodology during our Design Sprints has helped to shape positivity and interest on every role, for every single day of the project.

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